Monday, June 6, 2016

The Last Dab

  Image result for dab

          The Last Dab

The end of the school year is finally here Goodbye 8th graders we will miss you all. Good luck soon to be sixth graders.

         We will miss you all!


Tuesday, May 31, 2016


       Hiking is a great Summer activities!

    The weather is great,it's less rainy so why not          go hiking in summer.It's fun and some trails            have amazing views.You can go group hikes or     go alone.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Swimming is a great summer activity with the great weather and no school.It is health exercise and is super fun.I hope you decide to swim this summer.The cool water helps beat the heat.Try doing tricks and different types of strokes. Mabye even try to get faster and better at it. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

almost the end of the school year!

                     Almost Summer Break 

The 2015-2016 school year is almost at an end.Its exiting and sad if you have friends who are leaving.But at least there is no more waking up early in the mornings everyday.There are so many things to do for summer and my next few posts will be about those things.

Monday, May 9, 2016

French soufflés

                     French Souffles

The making of souffles began in the early eighteenth century.In became more popular in the  nineteenth century France. They are still popular today.Souffles come in many flavors and styles, a traditional french vanilla souffle  consists of......
  • powdered sugar
  • milk
  • butter
  • vanilla extract
  • egg
  • flour
  • sugar


Thursday, April 28, 2016

continuing on food

This weeks food...............
                                                 From the country Korea,Stew

Stew is one of Korea's most popular foods and comes in many flavors and styles.Today I will tell you about the most popular and simple style. It is called Stew.The most common stew is made of...

  • Tofu
  • Mushrooms
  • Deonjang
  • Green Peppers
  • Scallions
  • Anchovies(optional)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Back to food

I was recently given the idea to write a post about Paella ,so for today my blog will be going back to the topic of foods from around the world.Paella is mainly a seafood and rice dish but can also be served as a vegetarian choice.The seafood paella has lobster,shrimp,peppers,tomatoes,artichokes, mushrooms,sting beans, and sometimes snails,and very unique and sometimes rare spices. Vegetarian paella is made of tomatoes, artichokes, mushrooms,sting beans,and fennel.Both have rice.   vegetarian paella        seafood paella

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

men's clothing

             Medieval men's clothing

Clothes in the Medieval times represented status.Higher/Noble men in the medieval times wore furs for display of their nobility,their girdles were lined with medals and precious stones,and hats made of will,otter,or cotton.They also wore long sleeved shirts and a cape.Noblemen wore also wore similar attire with a hat in different shapes. Peasants wore short and tight tunics with a brown wool.They also wore a belt that carried a knife and a purse.

Monday, April 4, 2016

medieval con...

               Medieval Women's Clothing
  Women during the medieval time period wore dresses or gowns .They did not own many changes due to all the clothes being very expensive.The dresses went along with a corset.The basic/lower class dresses included a hose, smock, girdle, cape, hood,bonnet,and a kirtle. Married women covered their hair with a scarf .

Sunday, March 20, 2016

medieval times

              Medieval Cleaning habits

The medieval times the royals and higher citizens bathed more regularly.They had their  servants  carry buckets of water to fill the tub and for the ladies also fill it with perfumes and scented oils.The poorer less fortunate citizens bathed less often and all shared a tub full of the same water.(They took turns starting from the oldest.) 


1st midevil blogpost

            1st blog post about medieval hygiene
In the medieval times there was no such thing as brushing your teeth.To clean their mouths they rubbed herbs in their mouths to keep their breath fresh.These herbs included mint,orange and lemon leaves. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Inform fellow bloggers

                       My new blog topic

I am changing my posts topic to everything medieval.So from now on most of my posts will be about the medieval times.

Monday, February 15, 2016

My top 10 Favorite shoes

My Top 10 favorite shoes in order

1.) Black sequence Flats
2.)Ankle Boots 
3.) Silver Sandals                
4.)Silver wedges
7.)Gold flip flops
8.)Whit sneakers
9.)Blue sneakers
10.)Purple shiny Running shoes

presenting speeches

This weeks blog is going to be about presenting speeches.

When presenting a speech always keep eye contact. Don't look back often, it may help to keep a flash card in front of you.Still don't look at the card every you talk.Keep your voice loud and clear.Do not mumble!

Monday, February 1, 2016

This weeks craziest law is from .......... Iran
In Iran its illegal for woman to be in public without a hijjab (a scarf head covering).In my opinion it is a religious  choice weather or not a woman decides to wear a hijjab .It  should never be a law for people to me modest or not.The government and law enforcement should not be involved.   
This weeks craziest law is from ......  Saudi Arabia 

    In Saudi Arabia it is illegal for woman to drive.In my opinion this law is sexist because woman should have all equal rights as men.How are they supposed to get around if they aren't married or have a busy ,or unable to drive husband. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

This weeks craziest law...

This weeks craziest law is ....... Singapore Gum Chewing Law

                  As of January 1992 it was illegal to sell or chew gum in Singapore .Still they allowed people to chew gum for health and dental reasons.The reason of this law was mostly because of vandalism on trains,streets,and sidewalks that cost a lot to replace and repair.the law is still effective.

-In my opinion this is a reasonable law and i also like how they let people who need gum for health reasons continue to have gum.
Comment and tell me what you all think of this law.   
dental chewing gum

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

World's Craziest Laws

This weeks craziest laws... Canadian currency act of 1985

    In Canada its illegal to use large amounts of coins to pay.In my opinion that is an unreasonable law because what if someone only has coins and cant get the time to go to the bank and get cash i hope this law has been taken out of effect.

Monday, January 4, 2016

new year introduction

                 New Year New Topic

Hey blogger friends, HAPPY NEW YEAR. For 2016 my blog will be about the history of Laws from all around the world. I hope you guys enjoyed my blogs about food.